速報APP / 醫療 / Boston Children's Ignyte

Boston Children's Ignyte


檔案大小:2.3 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Boston Children's Ignyte(圖1)-速報App

Ignyte is a secure app created by Boston Children’s Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program for patients to track physical activity, get motivated, improve confidence, and attain fitness goals.

With Ignyte, the Boston Children’s Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program’s smartphone app, doctors, trainers, and patients have all the tools at their fingertips to easily and securely track physical activity progress, get motivated, and develop confidence in their ability to get fit. There is a bank of suggested pre-planned workouts as well as the ability for users to customize their own. Positive mindset practices are encouraged and count toward fitness goals to create both a strong body and a strong mind. Users can view their progress as they record fitness activities, mindfulness lessons, and mood. This information can be reviewed by the Boston Children's Hospital Cardiac Fitness care team to develop personalized workouts, message users to educate and motivate them, and provide feedback on the participant’s fitness progress. Personalized goals and metrics are driven by scientific principles and are scalable depending on the medical condition of the participant. When metrics are met, patients earn Fit Coins, Ribbons, and Trophies

Boston Children's Ignyte(圖2)-速報App

Boston Children's Ignyte(圖3)-速報App

Boston Children's Ignyte(圖4)-速報App

Boston Children's Ignyte(圖5)-速報App

Boston Children's Ignyte(圖6)-速報App